
The Assets page provides a consolidated list of all devices (assets) within a selected Organization. You can easily view at-a-glance status, names, and categories of devices, as well as their associated Sites, Systems, locations, and, optionally, the details for each device.

Tip: The Assets table does not automatically update when a device status changes. Click Refresh to update the table.

Viewing Assets

From the Assets drop-down menu at the top-left corner of the window, select an Organization. The table lists each device within the Organization, including its Status, Name, Type, associated Site, System, and Location. (To see a list of possible statuses and types, refer to the Status page.)

Filtering Assets

By default, you can filter assets by Status, Type, and Name. For simplicity, only the statuses and types as applicable to assets in the table are available for filter selection. Click + Add Filter to create additional filtering parameters by Name, Model, Manufacturer, Firmware, Site, System, Location, and Design.

Exporting the Assets List

You can easily export the entire table of assets to a CSV file. Click Export as CSV to save an assets.csv file to your computer's Downloads folder. The file will contain data for each column you have selected from the Columns menu.