
Check for network connectivity issues between your Core and the Q-SYS Reflect servers, as well as register the Core with your Q-SYS Reflect Organization.

Note: See the Q-SYS Reflect Help online to learn about Q-SYS Reflect.

Prepare the Q-SYS Core for Monitoring

Register the Core

  1. Before proceeding, make sure your Core is properly configured. Follow the steps in Prepare the Q-SYS Core for Monitoring.
  2. Click Test Connection to verify that the Core has a valid communication channel to the Reflect servers.

    Note: If you see any errors, see this troubleshooting article in the Q-SYS Knowledge Base.

  3. Select a Maximum Reflect Access Level. The level you select becomes the highest permitted access level allowed to this Core, regardless of the Q-SYS Reflect user role:
    • Administrators can view and modify all Core settings and features, deploy design files, and update Core firmware. They can also launch pin-protected User Control Interfaces (UCIs) without entering a PIN.
    • Technicians have the same access as Administrators, but without the ability to manage Core users. They can view Core users, but cannot enable or disable Access Control or create, edit, or remove users.
    • Viewers can view all settings and launch PIN-protected UCIs (with the appropriate PIN). They cannot edit any settings, preview audio files from the Files page, or download system information from the Utilities page.

    Note: Administrators and Technicians can also enable user access for the External Control Protocol and File Management Protocol. These permissions are set in Q-SYS Administrator using separate user PINs specifically for these purposes.

  4. Click Start Registration.
  5. Copy the Authorization Code. Use this code to add the Core to a Site in Q-SYS Reflect.